Started my 2 year apprenticeship in 2004, after being that annoying guy that always comes and visits the shop and never leaves. All the while managing the studio during that time. Had my own studio in Melville, Johannesburg from 2007 till 2009. After failing at that miserably, I decided to get back to basics and simplify things. Stick to the art and leave the management to the experts. Moved to London with my ever supportive wife, and worked in a West London Studio with some amazing artists. We travelled through Europe and made it back to South Africa almost a year later. Where I settled into a small Studio called The Golden Tiki.
By beginning of 2012, I was approached by one of my closest friends about a new upmarket studio that was looking for new talent. I realized the timing was right and I needed a change of scenery, and so began my chapter at Fallen Heroes. This would be my home away from home for more than 8 years, growing and changing my style as I went along, still keeping the strong routes of my original love of traditional styled tattooing while adding my new love of etching, dot-work and geometry. After so many years, the decision to change everything didn’t come easy, and not without struggle, as many of us in 2020 had experienced. But a change of pace was needed. So I decided to go it alone again, opening a private studio for select clients who love what I do, which makes me love doing it. Now after having had the opportunity to move across the world to Adelaide, South Australia, I have found a new home at 1891 Original Tattoo Co. It feels good again to be in a creative space with like minded people who can push each other to do better for each and every client.
My style would be best described as graphically, etched imagery that combines geometry, dot-work and Poly-tribal influences. Only using the contrasting colors of black and red.